• Buca - Events

    15th Annual Mike Lundberg Memorial Rugby Tournament

    In 2004, the Mike Lundberg Memorial Tournament started as a fun opportunity to play winter rugby for men and women of all skill levels while donating 100% of the proceeds to help defray the costs of Mike’s treatments. Sadly, Mike lost his long battle with Leukemia in 2008. At the request of his family, we have continued the tournament to celebrate his life and help a member of the Minnesota rugby community in need. 

    The tournament will be held at Hoffman Park in River Falls, WI. Registration begins at 9:30 and the cost is $35 per person. This includes a tournament T-shirt and food and beer at the social after the tournament. Please RSVP by February 17th via our Facebook event or by emailing Ben Hanson at lhprop1@hotmail.com.

  • Broadcast - Buca - Events

    2017 Mike Lundberg Tournament Beneficiary Announced

    This year the proceeds from the 14th annual Mike Lundberg tournament will go to Daniel Taylor aka “Try-Hard” from the SCSU Fighting Carp. Daniel came down with a viral infection in his throat that spread to his chest and is still undergoing treatment to restore function of his vocal cords while attending school. Please join us on March 4th in River Falls, WI to play some rugby and support Try-Hard!

    See the flier below for details or check out our facebook event.

  • Buca - Events

    14th Annual Mike Lundberg Memorial Tournament

    The St Paul Jazz Pigs Present:

    14th Annual Mike Lundberg Memorial Tournament

    WHEN: Saturday, March 4, 2017—10:00 am until ????

    WHERE: Hoffman Park, 547 Hanson Drive, River Falls, WI

    WHAT: All-Comers tournament. There is an entry fee of $30 per player. Names are drawn from a hat to determine the teams. The number of entrants will determine the format. (7s, 10s, 15s) There will be a post-tourney social with food and drinks for all participants. MEN AND WOMEN RUGGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.

    In 2004, the Mike Lundberg Memorial Tournament started as a fun opportunity to play winter rugby for men and women of all skill levels while donating 100% of the proceeds to help defray the costs of Mike’s treatments. Sadly, Mike lost his long battle with Leukemia in 2008. At the request of his family, we have continued the tournament to celebrate his life and help a member of the Minnesota rugby community in need.

    We are required by USA Rugby to verify the CIPP of all tournament participants. Verification will take place Friday, March 3 at 2:00 pm. IF YOU ARE NOT CIPP REGISTERED AT THAT TIME, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY. THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS.

    Please RSVP to Ben Hanson at LHPROP1@hotmail.com by February, 17 so I can order shirts and food. Directions can be found at www.saintpaulrugby.com You can also RSVP and get the latest updates at https://www.facebook.com/events/1779958882326238/or follow us on twitter @stpaulrugby Entry fee is to be paid the morning of the tourney. 100% of the proceeds go to help a member of MN rugby in need. Donations are also greatly appreciated.

  • Events - Golf

    3rd Annual Jazz Pigs Golf Tournament

    golfing pigs

    The Pigs are hosting their 3rd annual golf tournament at Phalen Golf Course,1615 Phalen Drive, St. Paul MN 55106 on Friday, August 5th, 2016.

    The tournament will be 4 Person Scramble Style Play with a Shotgun Start at 1:30 PM. Check-in by 1:00 PM

    For $100, a player will get to play 18 holes of golf, use of a golf cart, range balls, potential to win prizes/contest holes, dinner, and a free keg of beer at Half Time Rec afterwards.

    Prizes will be given out for the following categories:

    1st place team receives $100/person
    2nd place team receives 1 voucher for a free round of golf for 4 at Phalen Golf Course

    Contest Holes & Additional Cheating Tactics
    Men & Women’s Big Hitter Award (AKA Longest Drive), Longest Putt, Closest To The Pin, Double Your Money, Mulligans, String For Putting, etc.

    Dinner will be served approximately at 6:00 PM and Includes:

    Personal Chef
    Prime Rib of Beef
    Horseradish Sauce
    Dinner Rolls
    Caesar or House Salad
    Vegetable Du Jour
    Assorted Brownies and Cookies
    Coca Cola Products

    Deadline to Register is July 25th (or until filled).  Attached is the registration form.

    All proceeds will go to the St. Paul RFC.

    Hole Sponsorships are available.
    PigZilla Sponsor – $600
    Includes an advertising sign on a hole, four golf packages, and the option for a representative at a hole to do an elevator pitch to every group
    Pig Sponsor – $300
    Includes advertising sign on a hole and two golf packages
    Piglet Sponsor – $100
    Includes an advertising sign on a holeHole Sponsors: Please provide what you want to appear on the hole-sponsor sign.
    For questions please call or email
    Joshua Pauly at 952-239-2745 or paulyjoshua@hotmail.com.

    Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/events/994845657297651/


  • Events - Match Info - Pig Roast

    Jazz Pigs Hosting Two Matches and Pig Roast on May 14

    This Saturday, May 14th, the St. Paul Jazz Pigs will be hosting two matches.  First, the D2 will be playing against the St. Cloud Bottom Feeders at 12:00pm.  At 2:00pm, the D4 will be taking on the Osh Kosh Mighty Pigs.  Both matches will be at our home pitch in Maplewood.  (Afton Heights Park, Upper Afton Rd., Maplewood, MN 55119).
    After the matches, join the St. Paul Jazz Pigs at the annual Saulala Mafi pig roast after the match

    on Saturday May 14th. The event is hosted by our Old Boys in honor of
    Saulala Mafi at the “Old Folks Home” at 764 Marshall Avenue, Saint Paul, MN
    Come celebrate the growth and advancement of your Jazz Pigs. And Win BIG
    in the raffle and enjoy some food and adult beverages.
    You can purchase your tickets for $15 from you favorite St. Paul Jazz Pig!!!
    After the evening comes to a close at the Old Folks Home we will be heading
    to a local watering hole!!!
    Please feel free to invite any of your friends and family.
  • Buca

    Buca Breakfast

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  • Buca

    Buca Tournament

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  • Buca - Events

    13th Annual Mike “Buca” Lundberg Memorial Tournament

    March 5 @ 10:00 amMarch 6 @ 12:00 am

    Registration: $30 (at the event)

    Mike Buca

    All-Comers tournament. There is an entry fee of $30 per player. Names are drawn from a hat to determine the teams. The number of entrants will determine the format. (7s, 10s, 15s) There will be a post-tourney social with food and drinks for all participants. MEN AND WOMEN RUGGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.

    In 2004, the Mike Lundberg Memorial Tournament started as a fun opportunity to play winter rugby for men and women of all skill levels while donating 100% of the proceeds to help defray the costs of Mike’s treatments. Sadly, Mike lost his long battle with Leukemia in 2008. At the request of his family, we have continued the tournament to celebrate his life and help a member of the Minnesota rugby community in need.

    This year’s beneficiary is Kevin Ash.  Kevin is a member of the Faribault Rugby Club who suffered a traumatic brain injury during a match two years ago.  Since the injury, he has required around the clock care and still struggles with the most basic of daily tasks.

    We are required by USA Rugby to verify the CIPP of all tournament participants. Verification will take place Friday, March 4 at 2:00 pm. IF YOU ARE NOT CIPP REGISTERED AT THAT TIME, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY. THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS.

    Registration begins at 10:00am with matches starting at 11:00am.  All matches will be held at Hoffman Park, River Falls, WI. (547 Hanson Dr, River Falls, WI 54022).

    The post tournament social will be at the Lazy River Bar in River falls (115 W Walnut St, River Falls, WI 54022).

    Please RSVP to Ben Hanson at LHPROP1@hotmail.com by February, 20 so I can order shirts and food. You can also RSVP and get the latest updates at https://www.facebook.com/events/1671675716436318/ or follow us on twitter @stpaulrugby.  Entry fee is to be paid the morning of the tourney. 100% of the proceeds go to help a member of MN rugby in need. Donations are also greatly appreciated.