2024-2025 CIPP instructions

    The 2024-2025 rugby season begins August 2024 and lasts for one full year.

    To check your current status:

    To register (or transfer):

    • click this link https://myaccount.rugbyxplorer.com.au/register
    • sign in or sign up if necessary
    • click “Find a Club”
    • select who to register (probably yourself)
    • enter “St. Paul Jazz Pigs” (the dot is required)
    • fill out the rest of form
    • pay the fees ($124.74 for senior player)

    What is CIPP?

    Club and Individual Participation Program. It provides you access to USA Rugby’s accident and liability insurance coverage. You must be CIPPed in order to play on Saturdays and at our events.

  • CIPP - Rugby

    2023-2024 CIPP instructions

    The 2023-2024 rugby season begins August 17th, 2023 and lasts for one full year.

    To register (or transfer):

    • click this link https://myaccount.rugbyxplorer.com.au/register
    • sign in or sign up if necessary
    • click “Find a Club”
    • select who to register
    • enter “St. Paul Jazz Pigs” (the dot is required)
    • fill out the rest of form
    • pay the fees ($103.95 for senior player)

    To check your current status:

    What is CIPP?

    Club and Individual Participation Program. It provides you access to USA Rugby’s accident and liability insurance coverage. You must be CIPPed with the St. Paul Jazz Pigs in order to play with us on Saturdays.

  • Broadcast - Rugby

    Jazz Pigs take 2nd in Midwest

    Your Saint Paul Pigs took 2nd place in the Midwest Championships. This earned them a spot in the round of 16 National Tournament. Although not coming out victorious in the National Tournament, it did allow them to move up to D2. Starting this fall the Pigs will enter two teams into league play.

  • Rugby

    Spring Season Training

    This spring there will be fitness requirements.  You can begin by working on the following.

    100 Burpee Challange.  When practice begins in the Spring you will be required to perform 100 burpees (up downs) in five minutes.  This drill will be performed as the season moves along with the time going down each time.

    Shane’s Filthy 50. The Filthy 50, as the players coming out for summer rugby can attest to, is a very challenging test. The Filthy 50 is a group of the following exercises preformed in succession:

    – 50 walking lunges

    – 50 push ups

    – 50 body weight squats

    – 50 situps

    – 50 star jumps

    You must complete this in 8 minutes. As the season progresses, there will be a sprint included.

    For additional workouts, click here to check out what Mr. Kramer has put together for us as well

  • Rugby

    Welcome to the St. Paul Rugby Club

    The Jazz Pigs of Saint Paul, Minnesota welcome players of all skill levels, including players brand new to the sport of rugby – For more information about playing with the Saint Paul Rugby Club, please visit our New Player section.